Interview with Matthieu Gatineau, DPO of the Year 2021

Matthieu Gatineau, DPO at Servior and recently awarded DPO of the Year 2021, joined Steve Clement, Security Engineer at CIRCL, for a conversation about his vision of data protection.

“The DPO is the human face and/or voice of digital transformation, raising awareness of the risks inherent in the use of increasingly complex information systems that users face.”, Matthieu Gatineau

Matthieu Gatineau will participate to events in Luxembourg and abroad throughout the year to represent the Luxembourg cybersecurity ecosystem. Keep posted!


Discover the DPO of the year 2021




Matthieu GATINEAU, DPO of Servior and member of the APDL Board of Directors, received the 2021 DPO of the Year award.


Are you going to be the new DPO of the Year?

As every year, as part of Cybersecurity week, the best security and data protection professionals will be rewarded.

We invite you to apply for the DPO of the Year category and join the 2019 and 2020 winners, Stéphane Omnes and Eric Bedell.

The application process is open now.

More information here

Data retention and destruction under the GDPR

The APDL and Sopra Steria organized a virtual breakfast “Guidelines on the retention and destruction of data under the GDPR” on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

The content of this event was based on a guide developed by the APDL Technical Commission which had initiated work on the management of data retention and erasure including the treatment of backlogs of data or paper archives.

During this event, the legal framework was recalled and a methodological approach as well as practical examples were exposed. Then the technical aspects of data retention and destruction for the different data formats were discussed and finally a data detection tool was presented.

Here you will find the presentation material and the guide.

The APDL warmly thanks its sponsor SOPRA STERIA for the practical organization of the event as well as the various speakers whose contact details you will find below:

  • Bénédicte D’Allard – Arendt Regulatory & Consulting
  • Sylvie Dessolin – SOPRA STERIA
  • Romain Sabel – BDO
  • Michael Hofmann and Alejandro Del Rio – E&Y
  • Nathalie Sprauer – Raiffeisen Bank :

Technical Commission:


APDL joined the call for the implementation of secure instant messaging standards that protect privacy and people’s rights, and that do not rely on a single entity.

We are currently 25 supporting entities and seek to increase the number of public and private players as well as citizens joining the movement.

The Position Paper, including the up-to-date list of supporters, went public, Tuesday 09 March 2021, together with the attached Press Release.


A dedicated website has been created and can be accessed at:


CREOBIS will organize in Luxembourg on February 23 a webinar devoted to the new obligations in terms of the transfer of personal data.

You will find attached the link to the training web page:

APDL members benefit from a 10% reduction on registration fees with the code: W009-APDL

This event is the sole responsibility of the organizer, the APDL has not taken cognizance of its content and is announcing it for informational purposes only

Seasons’s greetings

The entire Board of Directors sends you its best wishes for the year 2021!

Covid-19 tracking applications and your personal data

Do the Covid tracking applications respect the fundamental principles of personal data protection? Emma Goodwin and Renaud Le Squeren, two administrators of the APDL brought elements of answers on the subject during the webinar given as part of Cybersecurity Week 2020.

Find the presentation support here: APDL Cybersecurity week RLS

Replay :

Link to the article on the Cybersecurity Week site:

Link to the interview in Silicon Luxembourg :

6th Annual General Meeting

The APDL Annual General Meeting  took place on Wednesday, October 7 in the premises of DSM.

Following the candidacies submitted prior to the General Assembly meeting, fourteen members were elected to replace members of the board of directors at the end of their term of office or who have resigned, in the persons of:

  1. Nathalie SPRAUER
  2. Michael HOFMANN
  3. Renaud LE SQUEREN
  4. Henri DAMIANI
  5. Arnaud CONSTANT
  6. Azédine LAMAMRA
  7. Romain SABEL
  8. Toni RISTAGNO
  9. Mickaël TOME
  10. Georges WANTZ
  11. Laurent CROZIER
  12. Matthieu GATINEAU
  13. Hasan KILICASLAN
  14. Géraldine FRIANT

The AGM was followed by a conference given by Mr Habran of the CNPD on the impact of the Schrems II judgment.

From left to right: Christophe Buschmann (CNPD), Nathalie Sprauer (Présidente), Henri Damiani (Secrétaire), Renaud Le Squeren (Vice Président), Arnaud Habran (CNPD)

Survey LëtzBlock

LëtzBlock, the Luxembourg Blockchain & DLT Association, is currently drafting a paper on “smart contracts” legal framework in Luxembourg and has recently launched a survey to invite interested stakeholders to share their views on this topic(with a focus on legal and regulatory matters).

As a preliminary remark, the starting point for our survey was the lack of a common understanding among developers of smart contracts and the legal profession over the meaning of the term “smart contracts” and the legal uncertainties deriving from this lack of consensus.

LëtzBlock is therefore proposing a definition that has the potential to satisfy the requirements of both lawyers and blockchain and smart contracts’ developers and is seeking wider public consultation on the definition which is given below:

A smart contract is a computerised transaction protocol between two or more parties. It may be self-executing.  It can qualify as a contract within the meaning of Luxembourg Civil Code if the relevant criteria of articles 1101 and 1108 mainly are met.


LëtzBlock is very interested in exploring how compliance with data protection requirements can be achieved in this area.

APDL is happy to support this initiate and invites his members to participate in the survey.


How can you share your views?

You can respond to the LëtzBlock survey available via the following link

 by 15 November 2020.


Feel free to quickly jump to page 12 if you wish to focus on data protection or/and don’t have too much time to spend on completing this survey


If you prefer to provide feedback orally, a conference call may be organised by sending an email at

 Apply to become an active member of our Smart Contract working group by contacting LëtzBlock at


Please note that you do not need to provide personal data and responses will be anonymised if needed and grouped.

Your answers will help LëtzBlock to finalise the above-mentioned white paper, supported by current market views on the Luxembourg legal and regulatory framework applicable to Smart Contracts and the new opportunities that they may bring to Luxembourg.

In due course, LëtzBlock will organise an event dedicated to the presentation of survey results and of the final white paper. Details will be shared with you via LëtzBlock social media or via the APDL website.