L’APDL sera présente à l’ISD 2019

The 8th edition of the Information Security Day will finally be held on May 21st,2019 at the European Convention Center Luxembourg. At the core of the topics: Cybersecurity & Data protection.

You can register now by using the invitation code ADPL19, either by visiting the event’s website or by sending an e-mail to team@itone.lu, entry is free of charge for end users (CIOs, IT Managers, COOs, CISOs, IT developers, etc.) and will be charged for IT services providers and consultants but as a member of the APDL community you will be benefit from a 50% discount code.


  • Share the vision of local and European experts on Cybersecurity, GDPR, multi-cloud strategy, user centricity, self-defending networks, cyber-resilience…
    – Romain Sabel, Technical commission director, APDL (Association pour la Protection des Données au Luxembourg)
    – François Thill, Cyber Security Director of the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy
    – Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo, Professor and FNR PEARL Chair at the University of Luxembourg, UniLu’s SnT Centre
    – Guy Isler, CISO, Centre Commun de la sécurité sociale
    – Christophe Buschmann, Data Protection Commissioner, CNPD (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données)
    – Philippe Vercruysse de Solart, Account Technology Strategist, Microsoft Belgium & Luxembourg
    – Victor Emmanuel de Sa, Ethical Hacker, Vice-World Champion of the international hacking contest, Conversion Manager
    – Cédric Mauny, Head of Cybersecurity, Telindus Luxembourg
    … and many others

    •  Discover great stands in the exhibition area and the latest trends on the market when it comes to cybersecurity & data protection: Check Point – HS2 – Tech IT – Onetrust – Digital Security – Varonis – Passbolt – Yes We Hack – Imrim

    •  Share the insights of innovative startuppers ; first ones confirmed:
    Hacknowledge, a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services company
    Passbolt, an open source password manager for teams

    •  Enjoy great networking moments during this event and discover the 2019 winners of the Information Security Awards:
    – IS Personality of the Year
    – Security Project of the Year
    – Awareness Security initiative of the Year
    – Best Security partner of the Year
    – Security Startup of the Year
    – SPECIAL PRIZE – Woman Talent of the Year

    If you wish to apply for one of these awards, deadline has been extended to March 23rd. Please send an email to fill in your online form and take part as candidate (contact: team@itone.lu)

    Also, please note that this year, IS Day will be held in parallel of ICT Spring, a global tech conference. Your entry to IS Day will then offer you an access to ICT Spring on May 21st & 22nd.
    For more information about the IS Day programme, please visit www.isday.lu

Lunchtime Seminar in Law

The application of the General Data Protection Regulation to blockchain technology
Presentation by Michèle Finck, Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and University College London (UK)

When : Wednesday, 27 February
12.30 – 14.00 h

Where : University of Luxembourg / Conference room B.001 (Ground floor) / Weicker Building / 4, rue Alphonse Weicker / L-2721 Luxembourg
Language : English

– Free conference
– Registration through Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/2THT2QX
– Maximum number of attendees: 80
– Lunch is planned for registered participants

Michèle Gouverneur

This seminar looks at the application of the General Data Protection Regulation to blockchain technology. Over the past year, there has been much discussion regarding the compatibility of blockchains with European data protection law. The seminar will highlight the most important points of tension and suggest potential solutions. More broadly, it will be seen that the mapping of the Regulation to blockchains unveils many current uncertainties and inconsistencies in the GDPR and its interpretation.

Michèle Finck is a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich) and University College London (UK) and a Fellow at the Centre on Regulation on Europe. She previously worked at the London School of Economics and the University of Oxford. Michèle’s research engages with the interaction between law and technology with a particular focus on data (protection) law. She is the author of ‘Blockchain Regulation and Governance in Europe’ (Cambridge University Press 2019) and an editor of the Cambridge Handbook on the Law of the Sharing Economy (Cambridge University Press 2018). Michèle has also been advising national and supranational institutions on the interaction between law and technology and is a member of the European Union’s Blockchain Observatory.

21 janvier 2019 – La formation restreinte de la CNIL prononce une sanction de 50 millions d’euros à l’encontre de la société GOOGLE LLC


Meilleurs voeux – Best Wishes

L’APDL vous souhaite une excellente année 2019

EY Event : GDPR Certification: Demonstrating data privacy for GDPR and beyond

Banking & Asset Management Club
GDPR Certification:
Demonstrating data privacy for GDPR and beyond

Friday, 11 January 2019 | from 09:00 a.m

EY Luxembourg
35E, Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
(parking facilities available on our premises)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is ushering in a new era of data privacy in Europe. This event aims to provide a detailed overview on how the GDPR landscape in Luxembourg looks like, outlining lessons learned and what organizations that want to demonstrate robust data privacy to their stakeholders need to consider. The event brings together key representatives from different sectors and industries.

The session will begin with the national view point on GDPR presented by François Thill (Ministry of Economy), followed by a presentation from EY about lessons learned of the GDPR journey. This will be followed by Arnaud Constand (APDL: Association pour la Protection des Données au Luxembourg). After a break Gary Cywie (Counsel at Elvinger Hoss Prussen) will bring the regulatory perspective to the table regarding GDPR certification, having Commissioner Christophe Buschmann (CNPD: Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données) doing the key note about the local CARPA certification. We will then have a round table and Q&A session with the panel of experts.

Invitation – Inscription

Opinion 26/2018 on the draft list of the competent supervisory authority of Luxembourg regarding the processing operations subject to the requirement of a data protection impact assessment (Article 35.4 GDPR)


Guidelines on personal data breach notification

The EDPS has issued guidelines on personnal data breach notificationfor the EU institutions and bodies.  https://edps.europa.eu/press-publications/press-news/news/2018_en#news_5047